sabato 15 maggio 2010

The Green Fairy of Thoughts

Strangeness is the indispensable condiment of all beauty.
(Charles Baudelaire)
Today I'm gonna start with this marvellous painting by Viktor Oliva (1861-1928) called "The Absinthe drinker", which shows a beautiful woman, a ghost, "la Fée Verte" sitting on a table towards a drunken man that is looking at her. He's alone, but his mind wanders as the alcohol runs through his veins... I find this image poetic: I love the colours, and the prospective, the smoke in the air, the loneliness of the man and yet the consciousness of his glance. I discovered this strange artist thanks to a group on Facebook (Peripheral Visions: Mythic, Mystic and Other Strange Art) founded by another amazing artist of our days: Andy Paciorek. I strongly recommend you his works and all he loves and stands around him, because there's a world of beauty we can't imagine. Beauty, but also Strangeness, and unusual visions men could create with their dreams, or distortion of their dramas.
I wish I could have lived among Bohemians like one of my favourite artists, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec (I will tell you his sad story another time), or Genius like Charles Baudelaire, whose words fascinate me all of the time, anything he wrote has a strong effect, and at the same time a majestic and obscene poetry.

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